Learn about what's involved in the Pedal Ready training sessions and find useful resources to use with your students.
What is Pedal Ready?
Pedal Ready is a FREE programme to teach your students cycle skills. Our instructors teach cycle skills compliant with the New Zealand Transport Agency Cycle Skills Guidelines.
How will Pedal Ready benefit students?
There are many benefits to learning to ride a bike.
By participating in the Pedal Ready programme, your students will:
improve their motor skills
experience a wide range of cycling activities
learn important road safety skills
develop independence and consideration for others
Who delivers the Pedal Ready programme?
Our team of trained and accredited instructors will teach your students cycle skills. See our trainer profiles.
Pedal Ready has a Child Protection Policy in place.
How long does the training take?
There are three levels of training. Pedal Ready offers training at grades one and two.
Grade One cycle skills training takes between 3-3.5 hours and is held in a non-traffic environment, usually in a school playground.
Grade Two training takes 7 hours in total, with a minimum of six hours riding on local roads. Students must complete grade one before they can begin grade two.
Grade Three tackles complicated traffic environments, and is not currently offered for school students through Pedal Ready. If your school has students who are ready to learn these advanced skills, contact us, and we can arrange an instructor for you.
What if our students don’t have bikes?
Pedal Ready has a fleet of bikes and helmets available for school use. There are some additional options for accessing extra bikes around the region.
Green Bikes Trust - www.nzgreenbikes.co.nz
Aileen Campbell - Aileen.Campbell@huttcity.govt.nz
ReBicycle - https://rebicycle.nz
Wairarapa Road Safety Council, Holly Hullena, Projects Coordinator
(06) 377 1379 or rsc@wairsc.org.nz
What are the next steps?
You can find more information about Pedal Ready’s programme on the what we teach page. We also have resources to help your school get the most out of the programme.
Book your session
If you’re ready to book Pedal Ready training for your school, please email us at bookings@pedalready.org.nz to book a session.
Email bookings@pedalready.org.nz to book your school session